
Ubuntu Server Baseline Security Check


Ubuntu Server Baseline Security Check


CENTOS Linux Baseline Security Check


Community Enterprise Operating System, also known as CentOS Linux. It is a Linux distribution that provides a free and open source community-supported computing platform. You can use CentOs Linux Baseline Security Check scanning to confirm the baseline defined by a specific server is attached to the CentOS baseline compliance requirements.Read More


eCyLabs OnDemand Testing is an flexible and cost-effective way to perform security assessment for your applications.

How it Works?


Many organizations choose CentOS Linux for development use and move their applications to a supported Linux distribution for production. The one thing that all organizations have in common is a need to keep their apps and devices secure. These devices must be compliant with the security standards (or security baselines) defined by the organization.

CENTOS Linux Baseline Security Check revolves around securing the ports, data, permissions, and functions of a data server. Some common practices for hardening a server include using strong passwords and implementing multi-factor authentication, disabling USB ports, etc.

eCyLabs helps the users to scan and confirm the security issues affecting CentOS Linux systems. We enable you to scan local systems, validate configuration compliance content, and generate reports and guides based on these scans and evaluations.

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